Monday, June 25, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: Obama Administration - How Many to Screw in a Light Bulb?

With a new Straight Line of the Day up at IMAO, it's time to pick the winners of the last one:

How many members of the Obama Administration does it take to screw in a light bulb?

#5 D***Cat: The light bulb can't be screwed in because of the obstructionist Republican Congress.

#4 Docwatson55: None - They're completely in the dark and don't even realize it.

#3 Andy C: What are you talking about? That old light bulb's doing fine.

#2 Jimmy: it's Bush's fault since the light bulb burnt out during his administration!

And the best punchline goes to Charon:

Two, Obama to hold the light bulb, and Carney provides the spin.

Congratulations Charon!

Now here is one to play with on here:

What's the Best Thing About Obama?

 This one might be difficult, but I have faith in you guys.