Monday, June 4, 2012

Wisconsin Under Siege

I stole this picture from some whiny hippie blog crying about union "rights"...

Wisconsin, the land of the cheese, the abode of cows, where beer flows freely and commie hippies are allowed to walk the streets un-punched. What's up with that? You would think a state that is shaped like a closed fist would be all about punching hippies, but alas, it is not. Such sacrilege on this, the official American holiday known as Hippie Punching Day. Well, it isn't official yet, but we're working on it.

Tomorrow is a big day for Wisconsonites, or Wisconsoneers, or whatever they call themselves. Lets just go with "cheese-noggins" for expediency's sake. Tomorrow is the big recall election where the cheese-noggins decide whether or not they should punish their governor for committing not one, but two treasonous crimes against the state: actually doing what he said he would do during his election campaign, and effectively solving Wisconsin's budget woes. You see, people are so used to politicians lying in their faces, that when a politician actually tells the truth it creates riots in the streets.

Sure, most of those rioting in the streets and acting like complete morons are public union lackeys that pretty much only care about themselves and their sweet deal of benefits that Governor Walker kinda destroyed. But rioting there is, which led to a recall of the Governor! That's right, the minority that did not get their guy in office decided that instead of just throwing temper tantrums and hissy-fits in that unique hippie style (which includes drums and off-key chanting and singing garbage), they would take it a step further and put it up to a vote...again.

Now, I suspect that these unionites, or unioneers, or whatever they call themselves...lets go with thieving sons of Karl Marx for expediency's sake...are pretty much just being selfish. I mean, put yourselves in the shoes of the thieving sons of Karl Marx here. Their plight is horrible. They face the prospect of losing benefits that most workers in America could only dream of, all on the tax-payers dime. That is difficult to let go of, so they riot about it. I know a lot of them are teachers and stuff, and supposedly educated, but I don't think a one of them are educated in economics, like, what happens when your employer can no longer afford you? You get canned. I figure that is what Walker was thinking when he said "know what, I can save a lot of your public workers' jobs if I just cut some of your bennies".

Seems reasonable, but in the land of un-punched hippies, the motto is "a job with ridiculous benefits or no job at all! And I expect ridiculous unemployment benefits if you choose the latter option...". I know a lot of pundits are looking at this recall thingy and thinking "ooh, this can tell us how Wisconsin will go in the Presidential election". Yeah, sure, ok, whatever. What this recall really is about is whether or not the voters in Wisconsin want to still be the People's Socialist Democratic Republic of Wisconsin, or if they want to just be Wisconsin and start punching some hippies like true Americans.

Feel free to comment below. Please keep it civil and respect my no-cussin' policy.


  1. And I'm sure that Lombardi is spinning in his grave

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry Mr. Anonymous. I have a zero tolerance policy for foul language in comments. Please feel free to repost, edited for language. This includes all 4 letter words, or anything else vulgar. Just pretend you are talking to your own sweet grandmother. Unless she is a member of a biker gang. In that case, pretend it is your other grandmother.

  3. this blog post was shared by a friend on facebook ... unfortunately read by me ... this is a geniunely uninformed vitrolic rant against a political situation you clearly have only a superficial/CNN-level awareness about. i guess anyone - ANYONE - can engage in punditry these days.

    1. I was going for satire. Ranting is what I do when things don't go my way. I might rant tomorrow.

      But you are right about the anyone can be a pundit thing. It is ridiculous. They even let MSNBC do punditry. This free speech thing really ought to be re-visited. What a silly idea. If you aren't an expert with, like, a degree from a very liberal university, then you should not be allowed to talk. Amiright?

    2. Hahahahahaha! I thoroughly enjoyed this blog. eEah, let's recall him because he actually did what he said he would do. Beautiful! See what happens when we stand up to these bullies and extortionists? We win. We win because the truth is on our side. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. I need to start writing again, it's great therapy. Thanks Kein

    3. Thanks Lost. If I can entertain even just one person with my writing, then mission accomplished. And this writing thing is way better than yelling at the TV like I normally do. I think my TV is broken. No matter how loudly I yell at those nitwits on there, they never seem to hear me. Defective equipment...

  4. I couldn't read this article because it was written with such atrocious voice. You sound like a stoned idiot trying to sound cute and funny, but it just reads as bias ignorance.

    1. Hey, thanks for at least attempting to read my blog, its the thought that counts. I know some of the big words can be rather a stumbling block for some people. I'm not an expert on what stoned idiots being cute and funny sound like, so you'll have to point out some specifics for me so that you can help me be a better writer.

    2. For starters, you'd probably have to say "man" a lot more. Also, try to use difficult-to-parse or grammatically poor phrases, such as "bias[ed] ignorance" and "with such [an] atrocious voice."

    3. Man, you're right man.

      I checked out your blog by the way. I like what I saw, and I am going to add you to my nuked links. Thanks for stopping by.

      I'm always on the lookout for more blogs with atrocious voices, biased ignorance, and difficult to parsley poor phrases grammatically.

  5. I agree with Keln. So glad we Wisconsinites have begun punching hippies! :) hahaha
