Friday, July 13, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: Nancy Pelosi Discovered a Way to Make Millions

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

Nancy Pelosi discovered a way to make millions...

#8 D***Cat: ...she’s suing her plastic surgeon.

#7 Apostic: subletting lower left section of her face as a botox farm.

#6 FormerHostage: …she’s working part time at a nuclear test facility since she’s dense enough to absorb neutrinos.

#5 Travelwise42: …by charging everyone 10¢ to keep those snakes on her head tucked under a hat!

#4 hwuu: of men go blind… House bikini contest.

#3 Arkady: ...of people laugh: she opened her mouth.

#2 john1v6: …of Americans unemployed. She started implementing it in 2007

And the best punchline goes to Willy:

Nancy Pelosi discovered a way to make millions...of doctors change professions. But you will have to read the bill to find out why.

Congratulations Willy!

This one was tough, there were so many good ones this time. Great job everyone.

Now here's a line for you guys to investigate:

Obama is going to star in a new TV crime drama...


  1. But according to C. Judge Roberts, it's a really a SitCom.
    ~Mrs. Campbell

  2. The perpetrator is always someone named Bush.
