Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: Obama's Marketing a New Energy Drink

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

Obama's marketing a new energy drink...

#5 hwuu: and if it works like his economic stimulus it should put you right to sleep.

#4 D***Cat: …called Monster Government.

#3 FormerHostage: …and Biden’s trying to figure out how to hook it up to recharge his BlackBerry.

#2 Crabby Old Bat: ...funded by the government, manufactured by Solyndra, powered by solar energy, and with a tendency to combust spontaneously when left sitting in the refrigerator in your garage. If you don’t buy at least a six-pack per week, you pay a penalty tax commerce participation fee bunch of money to the government, for reasons that are not clear to you, to support programs you abhor.

And the best punchline goes to CarolyntheMommy:

Obama's marketing a new energy drink called Red Bulls***.

Congratulations Carolyn the Mommy!

Now here's one for you guys to play with:

Joe Biden made a major discovery...


  1. Joe Biden made a major discovery...
    but his mommy told him he would grow hair on his palms if he didn't leave it alone, already!.

  2. Joe Biden made a major discovery...

    ...those darn Republicans have been writing down everything he says!

    ...during the last 4 years he has received in the mail over a thousand t-shirts, and all of them say Here's Your Sign. (His next brilliant discovery will be Bill Engvall.)

    ...it really isn't against the law for him to be at the White House at the same time as BHO.

    ...someone explained the meaning of the Indian word "Hoya". (a classic)

    ...the Constitution doesn't list cleaning up after the President's dog as an offical duty of the VP.

  3. Anonymous, that was perfect. Absolutely hilarious. Well played.

  4. Anonymous, that was perfect. Absolutely hilarious. Well played.

  5. ...If something happens to Obama, some idiot is next in line to be president.

  6. "D*mned Oval office doesn't have any corners to sit in."

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