Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ask Me Anything About Stuff and What Not!

This mornings brilliant article is being postponed due to an announcement by… well me.

Its time we do something a bit different here at Nuking Politics.  I’ve decided to start an advice column, but I need your questions.  There are a few ways you can get them to me.

#1 on twitter you can send them to me, @chrisjohnbone

#2 you can just do a hash-tag.  #askjohnbone

#3 you can leave them in the comment section below.

All questions will be taken from, “what can Mitt do to beat Obama”?  All the way to, “what can I do to get rid of this rash I got”?  All you need to do is send me the questions; I will give you the advice.

This advice column will run every Friday.  Mostly because my Friday page views are low and I need to find a way to bring them up.  Also because if you don’t ask me questions and I make them up, it won’t matter because my Friday page views are low.

So that’s that.  Send me your questions yo!

1 comment:

  1. If you were moderating a debate between Paul Ryan and Barack Obama, what would that look like?
