As I’ve stated before I am 100% behind Mitt, maybe even 110%
behind him… no just 100%. That should be
enough. I don’t even give 100% to my job
that pays me. Don’t even ask me how much
of a % I give to this blog, cuz if I had to give a number, it would be in the
single digits. Also you would see a
minus sign. So just sayin.
So where was I?
Oh yeah, Romney
needs a make over. It’s true. Its no surprise that Romney got my vote a
few years ago when I realized that he looked just like Reed Richards from the
fantastic four.
who I want to vote for
who I'm going to vote for
To my surprise his wife
is also blond; unfortunately he doesn't have a brother in law that can fly and
turn in to fire. That would be pretty
sweet actually. Hopefully he will have a friend who may not be made of rock,
but he could have a nickname like the rock.
That’s what I’m hoping for. I
think you all are too.

what I want in a VP
what I will settle for in a VP
So what does a modern day president have to be in order to
fire up the young people? I’m going to
be perfectly honest with you, I’m 33 and I have no clue what the “kids” like
these days. I do know what old people like;
they like accomplishment, results, hard work, and a nap around 3. Romney has 3 out of those 4 nailed. Now if only he can be president so he can
accomplish something.
The youth vote is only interested in flashy things. They like sweet hair (Justin Bieber) flashy
cars (everyone in hip hop) bling (just about everyone in pop culture these
days) and someone who can speak on the mic really well.
I now present to you, with any luck, the new Mitt Romney
and this is how we beat Obama in November
SO WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!?!?!
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