Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:
Hilliary asked to be VP. Obama said...
#5 Son of Bob: ...” I understand. You found paradise in America, you had a good trade, you
made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of
law. You didn’t need a friend like me. But, now you come to me, and you
say, ‘Don Obama, give me justice.’ But you don’t ask with respect. You
don’t offer friendship. You don’t even think to call me Godfather.”
#4 Yosoff: ...“Do you think I’m suicidal?! The threat of a President Biden is the only thing keeping me alive.”
#3 D***Cat: ...I dont know…I was thinking of replacing Joe with Sarah Silverman. But
what the heck…give me 5 minutes of your best standup material.
#2 Rock Throwing Peasant: ...“POP QUIZ: It’s 3 am and you get a call. I have a bucket stuck on my head. What do you do? What do you do?!?!“
And the best punchline goes to blarg:
Hilliary asked to be VP. Obama said "if you want to run for V. P. ok… if you actually want to be one, talk to Romney."
Congratulations blarg!
Now here's a line for you guys:
The latest Obama ad accuses Romney of...