Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Resistance is Feud-ial

One of my biggest duties here at Nuking Politics is being charged with the task of growing our readership, and fan base.  I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this for a few weeks now.  I finally got an idea.

We’re starting a feud!  An old school wrestling style feud!

Now I haven’t watched wrestling in years, but I’m pretty sure its still the same old same old.  Guy see’s perceived slight from some other guy/ guy isn’t getting the title shot he thinks he deserves/guy steals guy’s wife/girlfriend, and the fight.  So that seems pretty simple huh?

So here I go, I’m going to do it now.

“Hey, I’m tired of you guys holding us back, taking things from us, and stealing my girlfriend”! 

“Is it a coincidence that you guys do a link of the day, but you don’t do it every day like us?" 

“Also, I’m tired of you taking the women away from us”. 

“I need that title shot, and that girl”. 

“You can’t have it all!  “CUZ @JOHNBONE SAYS SO!”

“So what are you gonna do now”? 

“You know, other than chicken out and cower in fear from us, and our immense muscles, and dexterous wrestling skills”

pictured: IMAO's mother

Your move stupid faces!