Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:
Romney has intelligent, qualified women. What's in Obama's binder?
#5 D***Cat: ...The opposite of intelligent, qualified women – Joe Biden.
#4 hwuu: ...Judging from Obama’s taste in women, his binder is full of klingon love poetry.
#3 Rodney Dill: ...Obama has a binder full of Wookies.
#2 hadsil: ...His head.
And the best punchline goes to jw:
Romney has intelligent, qualified women. What's in Obama's binder? Michelle, Debbie Wassermann-Shultz, Valerie Jarrett, Stephanie Cutter, Nancy Pelosi, Lena Dunham and a chicken fried poodle.
Congratulations jw!
The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was Rodney Dill:
Obama's backup plan if he loses the election: Will shoot for 2016 to see if Obumbles bounce.
Congratulations Rodney!
(Great reference on the day of our first snow around here)
Now here's a line for you guys to meddle with:
After proposing a new Department of Business, Obama...