Friday, October 26, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: White House Email

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

A just-released White House email...

#5 rodney dill: ...along with the Obamaphone, we will supply the Obamadog to needy families, with included tub of government subsidized butter.

#4 blarg: ...proves that the President CAN, in fact, send and recieve email…like the ones from the Libyan Embassy.

#3 CTCompromise: ...from Tim Gietner reminded everyone that job related moving expenses are tax deductible….to those who file taxes.

#2 archangel: ...confirms that “paul_ryan_shirtless.jpg” is the most forwarded attachment on their servers. “joe biden shirtless” has never been submitted as a search query.

And the best punchline goes to Mrs. C:

A just released White House email reveals they have found a way to get a $5M donation; but Obama won’t like it…
To: WHStaff_ALL
FW: RE: From the desk of Alan Smithe Esq.

He guys, this prince needs our help! If we help him his family could fund all our campaign needs!

Congratulations Mrs. C!


The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was Rodney Dill:

Since the polls aren't helping the Obama campaign anymore, they've decided to enlist the Lithuanians.

Congratulations Rodney! (something tells me this guy wants to win the award this week or something).


Now here's a line for you guys to poll:

Joe Biden revealed his own October surprise...