Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Relax, Romney is Not A Muslim

after nearly 4 years the contentious debate on whether Obama is a Muslim or not still rages on.  I still haven't seen his baptismal record, and he refuses to release it so I just can't say for certain.

It is fair to note that now we know, for a fact, that Romney is not a Muslim.  How you ask?  probably the the most innocent way ever;  Meatloaf!

Why meatloaf you ask?  Its simple.  Meatloaf has pork in it, what is the one meat that is toxic to Muslims and cause them to spontaneously combust?  Pork, it's a well documented fact that whenever Muslims come into contact with pork their faces melt off like in that Indiana Jones movie, then they die.

Mitt has meatloaf every year on his birthday, so he can't be Muslim.

Case closed, pass the ham.



  1. I guess we can also infer walkingdead is not Muslim. Or Jewish either. :)

  2. And from previous posts, probably not Mormon.

  3. Wow. Pretty sure that wasn't even one of the options. :P Let's see if you can drum up another try...

  4. All I know is one day we are going to have to sid down and discuss how we are going to raise our children. Other than that it doesn't matter to me.

  5. Hahahahahaha cute. You coming to Wisconsin anytime soon?

  6. my everything skills could use some work.

  7. You want some help? With the bantering skills, I mean? Girls like banter. It'll help you get your t-shirt model girl.

    I could give you insight from a female point of view.

    1. meh... I just go with my strengths... I do pathetic really well.

      it attracts the "I want to take care of you" type.

    2. I am glad that is working out so well for you. Good luck.

    3. Why do I feel like I am eavesdropping on a private conversation here...

    4. It didn't start out that way...
