Friday, October 26, 2012

This Proves I'm Insensitive

Every now and then I see someone who wants to boil down this election to one or two things, like low taxes vs gay marriage.  They want to paint the narrative that conservatives are all just selfish bigots who care about their income over the happiness of others.

To this I say yup pretty much.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm fine with gay marriage.  If it were legalized I would be all for it;  but we need to look at a few facts here.  What this election is really about.

  • The dollar is weak

  • Inflation is rising

  • Gas prices are high

  • Exports are stagnant

  • Import price are rising because, the dollar is weak.

  • I'm still single.

All these problems are Directly caused by the fiscal policies of the president of the united states of America.

If I could be fair, most of these monetary policies were started by the Bush administration  but considering Obama promised hope and change and to not do those things... I say he's an abject failure.

It's time for Mittens!