Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Walkingdead's Deep Thoughts: Halloween! 20-12

  • I am happy to announce that at no point in my life did I ever like the band KISS

  • I almost bought a bottle of THIS today.  It would have been my early Christmas present to myself.

  • So far I'm happy to report.  No one has been killed because of THIS picture

  • It's just one of those funny things Christians do.  They get angry, but don't kill people over things.

  • So hurricane Sandy may cost 50 billion dollars.

  • With less than a week to go Obama needs to start brainstorming how this is George Bush's fault.

  • I remember a few years ago when venezuela had a bad earthquake they passed around a letter blaming it on Bush and the USA claiming we had a earthquake machine.
  • I really wish we had one.

  • I don't think we would waste it on South America.

  • Well maybe test it on South America.

  • So by the time you read this (at least on the east coast) Halloween should pretty much be over.

  • My costume this year was sexy guy not passing out candy because he went to a freinds house.

  • Just kidding, no one would call me sexy... sober at least.

  • everything else from that description is true.

Good night.