Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: Bankrupt Twinkie

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

After declaring bankruptcy, Hostess Bakeries...

#5 g: ...urged the president to tap into the strategic twinkie reserve.

#4 CTCompromise: ...stated that the unions had left them with a Sno-Balls chance in hell of reaching an agreement.

#3 hwy93: ...stated that having seen Obama’s foreign policy, there just wasn’t room in the market for two spongy products wrapped around a squishy core.

#2 Rodney Dill: ...sells one brand to the President and the Mayor of Chicago, that will be marketed as Rahm-Obama-Ding-Dongs – The Edsels were unavailable for comment.

And the best punchline goes to Bob in Feenicks:

After declaring bankruptcy, Hostess Bakeries expressed concern that Michelle’s butt is too big to fail.

Congratulations Bob!

[I have to admit, Rodney had this one in the bag...until Bob's last minute smack down.]


The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was Rodney Dill:

Joe Biden has a plan to get Israel to relocate the holy land to Texas and start voting democratic.

Congratulations Rodney!


Now here's a line for y'all to fiddle with:

There's a new racist code word...


  1. "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

    Admittedly, this doesn't come up a lot in conversation (unless you're talking to Grandpa Simpson).


    1. Ha! I had to memorize that word for biology in High School.

  2. "Aspirin" - anything that's white and works must be racist.

  3. ..."Obama" -spoken by any Republican.

  4. (I have to admit when I saw Bob's punchline I thought "Oh crap.")

  5. free-market (ok, that'skinda two words)

  6. I still think Rodney's should have won. But I yield to the boss.

  7. - Work
    - Responsibility
    - Accountability

  8. ...the first word out of a conservatives mouth.
