Friday, November 2, 2012

Tactical Nuke: Friday, November 2, 2012

• Woohoo, it's Friday.

• A recent poll says that 44% of Americans believe that Obama tried to mislead the public on the Benghazi attacks. 47% said he didn't.

  Hmmm...47%. That number just keeps popping up.

• So if the administration didn't try to mislead the public, then what is the only alternative? Utter incompetence?

• I guess if you lie to the people, then that is damaging, but if you are just completely incompetent, that's ok.

  47% percent of the American people are saying, "you'll get 'em next time champ".

• Except Obama won't get anything next time. If he has four more years, it will be four more plaguey years of incompetence and nincompoopery.

• Apparently, at an Obama rally featuring the First Lady, there were chants of "Hail Obama".

  Hail, Sieg Heil...tomato, tomahto.

• Remember this?

• I'm not trying to say Obama = Hitler, because as I have argued before, that's stupid.

  But I am saying that Obama and company used a lot of the same techniques to garner a loyal and devoted following. And that it's really creepy.

• Carry on smartly.