Friday, November 2, 2012

Walkingdead's Deep Thoughts: November 2, 20-12

  • So its Friday

  • This is usually the day where I drink without pants on.

  • Unfortunately it's too cold for that.

  • I got hit with the “grammar hammer” today.

  • I didn't feel a thing.

  • After the last 33 years it's gonna take more than correcting my spelling to get under my skin.

  • For advice on how to get under my skin consult your local library, or any of my ex-girlfriends.

  • They are all terrible people.

  • Like Obama.

  • I don't think he's a terrible person.

  • He just sees the world differently than I do.

  • So I shaved for Movember.

  • I'm going to watch the Conan remake today.

  • I don't think it will be any good, but I gotta have netflix for something.

  • Good night