Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:
Legalized marijuana in Colorado will be sold under the brand name...
#5 Harvey: ...Bake-on.
#4 spacemonkey: ...Rocky Mountain High.
#3 Rodney Dill: ...El Ski-Bong.
#2 Writer: ...Mile Highs.
And the best punchline goes to Bob in Feenicks:
Legalized marijuana in Colorado will be sold under the brand name "Pipe’s Peak".
Congratulations Bob!
The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was from Bob in Feenicks:
Obama's favorite Christmas movie: The Star Wars Holiday Special. - Happy Life Day, Michelle.
Congratulations, again, Bob!
Now here's a line for you guys to play with:
For the end of the world, Obama plans...