Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:
President Obama agreed to cut spending if...
#5 HokieGomer: ...they cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with…A HERRING!
#4 Rodney Dill: ...the Chinese stop lending.
#3 Manolo: ...Joe Biden can stop putting his foot in his mouth.
#2 Alucard: ...Republicans prayed in his direction five times a day.
And the best punchline goes to Genghis Khen:
President Obama agreed to cut spending if...the Mayans were right.
Congratulations Genghis Khen!
The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was Bob in Feenicks:
For lunch, Romney and Obama agreed not to eat anything that was tied to the roof of Romney's car.
Congratulations Bob!
Now here's a line for you guys to play with:
The craziest new rule issued under ObamaCare...