Monday, December 3, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: Obama Spending Cut

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

President Obama agreed to cut spending if...

#5 HokieGomer: ...they cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with…A HERRING!

#4 Rodney Dill: ...the Chinese stop lending.

#3 Manolo:  ...Joe Biden can stop putting his foot in his mouth.

#2 Alucard: ...Republicans prayed in his direction five times a day.

And the best punchline goes to Genghis Khen:

President Obama agreed to cut spending if...the Mayans were right. 

Congratulations Genghis Khen!


The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was Bob in Feenicks

For lunch, Romney and Obama agreed not to eat anything that was tied to the roof of Romney's car.

Congratulations Bob!


Now here's a line for you guys to play with:

The craziest new rule issued under ObamaCare...