Friday, January 25, 2013

An Open Letter to Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein,

I know that I don't live in your state anymore (for which I am grateful), but the decisions you make and the changes you attempt affect people all over the nation, not just those that elected you.

I know you hate guns. You've hated guns for years. Guns can be used to do terrible things, like kill innocent children. (Not nearly so many as the Planned Parenthood abortion mills you so dearly love, but that's another letter.) You like to claim that so-called "assault weapons" are useless for "self-defense, hunting or target shooting," as though those were the only possible reasons for the Founding Fathers to create the Second Amendment.

A quick google search would disabuse you of this notion.

The Founders fought against a tyrannical ruler, imposing his will from a far away throne. They used the best technology available at the time to free themselves from his rule, and as a hedge against the re-imposition of that rule, or the threat of a despot taking control from within, they gave us  the Second Amendment, which allows the citizens to keep and bear arms, which right shall not be infringed by the Federal Government.

Today, we Americans find ourselves besieged by a Federal Government overstepping its bounds, whether legislative, as through the unConstitutional imposition of a federal health care mandate, in the middle of the night,through deception and political malfeasance, or by Imperial fiat via Executive Orders from a President who recognizes no legal limits to his power, or via a Supreme Court which interprets the law according to their ideology and desires, rather than the letter and intent of the law.

Many among us fear the time is near when our beloved nation, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave,  will no longer be worthy of the title, and will take arms against its citizens in an attempt to subdue them and coerce them to submit to the national will. I pray this time never comes, but can no  longer avoid the belief that it is possible.

I don't need assault weapons to defend myself or my family. I can use my handguns or  my shotguns for that. I need assault weapons to defend against a superior force of similarly armed assailants come to deprive me of the Rights Given to me by God, and guaranteed to me under the Constitution. In short, I  need assault weapons to defend me from YOU.

