Monday, January 7, 2013

Nuke the Punchline: Bacon Bill

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

The weirdest pork item in the fiscal cliff bill…

#5 Tau Dades: ...Was kosher bacon for the detainees at Gitmo.

#4 Rodney Dill: ...was for beans to go with the pork.

#3 Anonymiss: ...An endowment for genetic engineering research. Obama wants to make pigs fly.

#2 Dohtimes: ...three billion dollar grant to retrain people who refer to the physical cliff.

And the best punchline goes to jw:

The weirdest pork item in the fiscal cliff bill was actually dog. 

Congratulations jw!


The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was from CarolyntheMommy:

The process to come up with new legislation involves drinking heavily.

Congratulations Carolyn!


Now here's a line for your guys to play with:

The trillion dollar coin will be made of...


  1. I don't know. What's the death star made out of?

  2. The same stuff Miracle Max made his pill out of. The chocolate coating makes it go down easier.

  3. A highly polished turd.

  4. The trillion dollar coin will be made of mythril.

    1. ... or mithril, depending if your a D&D player or Tolkien reader.

  5. The trillion dollar coin will be made of Cobalt Thorium G, because face it, doomsday is on it's way. (Reference Dr. Strangelove)

  6. The trillion dollar coin will be made of unobtainium reinforced wishalloy supplied by NASA.

  7. The trillion dollar coin will be made of...

    Obama's false tales and other big fails. That's what trillion dollar coins are made of.

  8. The same stuff that the put in Stretch Armstrong - it's the only way tot stretch a dollar that far.

  9. ...chocolate. Don't tell anyone, especially Biden.

  10. ...something that makes it cost more than a trillion dollars to produce each one, no doubt.
