Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:
The weirdest pork item in the fiscal cliff bill…
#5 Tau Dades: ...Was kosher bacon for the detainees at Gitmo.
#4 Rodney Dill: ...was for beans to go with the pork.
#3 Anonymiss: ...An endowment for genetic engineering research. Obama wants to make pigs fly.
#2 Dohtimes: ...three billion dollar grant to retrain people who refer to the physical cliff.
And the best punchline goes to jw:
The weirdest pork item in the fiscal cliff bill was actually dog.
Congratulations jw!
The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was from CarolyntheMommy:
The process to come up with new legislation involves drinking heavily.
Congratulations Carolyn!
Now here's a line for your guys to play with:
The trillion dollar coin will be made of...