Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:
The most surprising thing in Feinstein's gun control bill...
#7 CTCompromise: ...was the provision that all assault rifles will be deported to Mexico by the Attorney General.
#6 D***Cat: ...is a ban on the “Red Ryder carbine-action, two hundred shot Range Model
air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time”.
It’s banning is the result of lobbying efforts by The National
Optometrists Association.
#5 Oppo: ...were all the bullet points.
#4 G Fresh: ...was that all future action films will be required to solve the
differences between the (relative) good guy and the (misunderstood) bad
guy with a conflict negotiator sidekick. “Do you feel like hashing out
our differences in a government approved mediation session, punk—er
#3 Rodney Dill: ...Due to a typeo each gun may carry no more 7 partridges.
#2 Bob in Feenicks: ...all guns are required to have bullet counters so you will always know if you’ve fired six shots or only five.
And the best punchline goes to Max:
The Most Surprising Thing In Feinstein’s Gun Control Bill…is that it did
not tell anyone how to control a gun by way of legislation such as :
“First shalt thou load thy magazines and shalt thou load ten rounds, no
more, no less. Ten shall be the number thou shalt load, and the number
of the loading shall be ten. Eleven shalt thou not load, neither load
thou nine excepting that thou then proceed to Ten. Thirty is right out.
Once the number ten, being the tenth number, be reached, then release
thou thy safety, assumeth the proper firing stance, aimeht towards thy
foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.”
Congratulations Max!
The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was from Bob in Feenicks:
With Hillary positioning for 2016, Joe Biden is starting a rumor she had an affair with Bill Clinton.
Congratulations Bob!
Now here is a line for you guys to have fun with:
Obama's next interview will be with...