She's not a black belt yet, but she works out with them, and not for the first time it occurrs to me that many of the kids are SO SHARP their training would greatly benefit from substituting Congressmen for their blocking dummies, punching bags, and padded shields. I love it when the kids yell out their moves as they make them, and I’m betting this would motivate the normally silent parents to get more involved as well.
Kate, come up here to demonstrate.
Sir! (scampers into position, sets point)
This Representative voted in favor of Obamacare!
Double Knife-Hand Strike Sir! (Blam!)
The Representative goes down, clutching his throat.
Ok very good. Nice job. Now everybody, I should have said this up front, but I’m looking for form and technique, not power at this point, so everybody keep it at 50%. We need these dummies to last. Ok?
Yes Sir!
The Representative struggles back to his feet.
Why don’t you take five? (looks off the mat) Senator? Come on out here…
The Senator bows in, remembering the consequences of having not done so previously, and takes his position.
Everyone ready?
Kate nods hesitantly, but looks very troubled.
What’s the matter, Kate?
Kate (near tears, as she often gets when terribly conflicted):
Sir, I feel – I kinda feel like I’m being the bully. I thought we were just learning this for self-defense...
Instructor (leans down, speaks in a kind voice):
Kate, you’re moving into advanced training, and part of that training involves not merely advancing physically and in technique, but in wisdom and discernment. Do you know what discernment means?
The ability to judge things and choose the appropriate response?
Very good! Class! We’re not teaching you to be bullies, but these gentlemen here are currently worth a lot less than a good blocking dummy, and have agreed as a part of working off their Community Service obligation to stand in and assist in your training. Out there in the real world the same rules as always apply… This is at its core a self-defense exercise. Self-defense and the defense of friends and family. OK? Kate, set!
Kate (resumes her stance):
Kate, your father actually is a hunter, right?
Yes Sir!
This Senator, in a clear violation of the Second Amendment, just introduced a bill to confiscate handguns, register rifles, and prevent all firearms from being inheritable when your father one day passes away!
Number One Front Kick! (Blam!) Side Kick! (Blam!) Left Reverse Punch! (Blam!) (spins) Butterfly Kick, Sir! (Kablamm!)
The Senator hits the mat, doesn’t bounce…
It looks like it's going to be a great weekend!