Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sorry Guys, I'm A Democrat Now

Nearly 2 weeks ago tragedy befell the Walkingdead house hold. The irresponsible fiscal policies of the the Bush administration swept into his office and I was laid off. Now that I have to subsist on Top Ramen and skittles(too soon?) I've found in my couch cushions its time for me to reevaluate my political stance.

That's why today I'm happy to announce, I'm a democrat.

I didn't arrive at this decision blindly, I just looked at the facts.

Fact #1 Republicans want me to get a job.
Fact #2 I don't want a job.
Fact #3 Joe Biden's views on how a woman should protect herself are inarguable.
Fact #4 contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be gay or black to be a democrat, and as of right now I'm neither of those things.

So hopefully Keln will still let me post here for the time being, until my unemployment benefits run out, and I'm forced to go back into the work force.

This is not a joke, I'm dead serious about this.