Thursday, March 14, 2013

If Only I Lived in New York

Today when I was doing Zumba, I was lunging into a deep side squat. I was watching my form in the mirror and didn't notice that my foot caught the edge of a throw rug and slid until I was in full center splits.  If only Bloomy had been around to outlaw harmful health threatening throw rugs.  OOOOWWWWWW!!!


  1. Or he might just outlaw Zumba...

    1. The HORRORS!!! Then I would just have to be an outlaw.
      True story: Last year I was at a hotel room with 3 of my girlfriends for a Girl's Weekend. I don't need much sleep, so I'm usually the first one up. I knew the others would all want to sleep in, but I didn't want to miss my workout or waste any of the time they were awake doing something by myself. So I put the zumba dvd on my laptop playing really quietly...and went into the bathroom...and did zumba carefully and quietly while the other ladies slept. I then showered and was all ready to go by the time they started to awaken. I'm an endorphin addict. I know it.

    2. Outlaw Zumba and only outlaws will Zumba,

  2. Zumba is a gateway to perdition. Literally billions of people die each year from boogie fever.

    You don't need all those moves to stay fit. Do the hokey pokey!

    Nobody's trying to take away your rights, but get with it! 92 percent support universal spandex registration.

    The Founding Fathers never envisioned, nor would they ever endorse such unbridled freedom of expression.

    1. I can't think straight enough to comment...laughing too hard.

      I know a few others who agree with you about the perdition thing....

      I have a LOT of unregistered spandex. Like a LOT. (I don't like to do laundry that much, ok?) Maybe I should move it out of my dresser drawer. That's too obvious. I should get a secret spandex safe. But then when I NEED my salsa, there's all the hassle of having to remember where the safe is, remember the combination, open it, take off my regular clothes, slide into the then the urge to salsa will be gone!! Concealing my spandex nullifies its purpose. :(

      I'm not sure about your take on the Founding Fathers. They were fathers, weren't they? ;)

    2. Well, I suppose they didn't wear those powdered wigs just to impress each other.

  3. [You can't even do the splits now!
    Better call it quits now!]
    I'm sick of all this dancing

    1. Well, apparently I can. Just not voluntarily :P

  4. The key here is that you were watching yourself in a mirror. I mean who does that? Besides self-centered sociopaths.

    Obviously that means you should run for Congress. Anonymiss 2014 anyone?

    1. Actually, having something of a background in theatre, I have to say, professional dancers (not stripper dancers, but dancer dancers) use mirrors quite often to make sure their form is correct, and, if they are dancing with others, to make sure their movements synch. That wasn't what threw me: it was that she can ALMOST do a full center split. I can barely reach my shoes. Putting a pair of pants on is like ring toss with denim.

    2. Also, yeah, I'd vote for her in 2014.

    3. Like Les's perdition comment, there are some that would agree that watching myself dance is narcissistic, psychotic behavior. So maybe we should vote? :)

      I watch myself because, well, I'm not that good. Well, I'm not that good naturally. I can't just see a move and do it. I have to watch and watch myself and watch and watch myself until I get it right. So, basically, I have to PRACTICE. It works though. I'm way better than when I started. I can now do the body roll, shimmy and salsa, none of which I had ever even attempted before 2011. I wanted to make sure that my upper body was still upright and my posture was good as I lunged yesterday. My upper body was awesome, btw. It was just that one foot and that stupid RUG!!! I am paying the price. :)

  5. I found a picture of the offending rug. There the cursed thing is, lying there so innocently. Hmmm. Should I burn it?
