Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:
Obama is more useless than...
#5 Rodney Dill: ...than a trillion dollar coin.
#4 Apostic: ...than a smiley face button on a honey badger.
#3 Writer: ...Michael Moore(on)’s third chin.
#2 Bob in Feenicks: ...beauty tips from Helen Thomas.
And the best line goes to FormerHostage:
Obama is more useless than soap in an Occupy camp.
Congratulations FormerHostage!
The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was from Dohtimes:
The White House is considering cancelling the annual Easter Egg Roll and instead...allowing two kids with pooper scoopers to take the White House Lawn Tour.Congratulations Dohtimes.
Now here's a line for you guys to contemplate:
During his trip to Israel, Obama...