Monday, April 22, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Ironic Bacon

Harvey over at IMAO has another incredibly SNOTTY straight line of the day up, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

During his secret meeting with the Saudi Foreign Minister, President Obama... 

#5 c64wood: hit his ball into the sand trap.

#4 walruskkkch: thanked them for the "distraction from his miserable failure on Gun Control."

#3 currently: asked if his teleprompter could join the discussion.

#2 Jimmy: had the Saudi Minister checked for pressure cookers.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from blarg... 

During his secret meeting with the Saudi Foreign Minister, President Obama...pondered the irony that someone at IMAO will be receiving bacon for making a joke about it.   

[And it was you!...and don't forget....
you also get....
wait for it.....
wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit]

COOKIES to blarg!


I thought you guys might enjoy ♂ A Word About Testosterone...or a Video, rather... since you guys are all so manly and stuff.  I'll award cookies to the most clever comment.


The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was from : A Guy named Rob.

When he heard an Elvis impersonator was trying to kill his boss, Joe Biden said he hoped it was fat Elvis, because Barack could probably get away from him.



Now here's a line for you guys to try to impress me:

When President Obama goes to Texas on Wednesday...