Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Nickel and Diming us to DEATH

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

Aside from renting a cabin to his secret service agents, Joe Biden's major source of income...?

#5 Dohtimes: is from the sale of Joe's Brewskies, his ethanol laced beer, so popular in DC.  It goes by the nickname of Reality Goggles, though profits are down since Hillary resigned. (Grammar hammer....aGAIN :)

#4 walruskkkch: is kept off shore in those good off shore accounts, not those bad ones like Mitt Romney used.

#3 Apostic: comes from being spokesmodel for Silly Putty.

#2 Oppo:  involves visits that begin with "Nice army base you've got here, Colonel.  Shame if it were to get all sequestered-like..."

And my favorite straight line of the day was from rodney dill:

Aside from renting a cabin to his secret service agents, Joe Biden's major source of income...is selling IMAO punchlines to Rodney Dill at a nickel each.

Cookies to rodney dill!

(so rodney, I thought I should let you know that my cookies are really worth a lot more than a nickel each...:)

My favorite Nuking Politics post of the day  was "Why" Can Wait from Springeraz. You should go read it and see why.

Cookies to Springeraz!

(By the way, if you wanna hear more about my sweet seven dwarves you can do so here. :)


The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was from : Rodney Dill.

Now that Iran built a time machine, Obama...weaponized it and put it on a drone.

Cookies to Rodney Dill! (that's a lot of cookies for one guy for one day :P )


Now here's a line for you guys to play with:

Since Tax Day is over, Joe Biden...


  1. Thank you.

    I should let you know that my cookies are really worth a lot more than a nickel each

    Then I'll try not to lose any....

  2. ...will now shift his attention to saying stupid things about the Boston Marathon bombing.

  3. ...can once again swim around in his Money Pool just like Scrooge McDuck.

  4. ...he'll ask Obama for a raise in his allowance.

  5. Keep taxing the people . . . why should it be limited to one day a year?

  6. ...is suffering through a massive hangover.

    ...can finally eat the chocolate in his gold coins.

    ...is wondering what the government does with all those tacks.
