My man in State has done it again. In the wake of the awful tragedy in Boston, the Obama administration is moving quickly to make sure that a tragedy such as this can never happen again. Here is a draft outlining some of the actions they hope to implement.
· Extensive background checks at hardware stores before one can purchase plumbing/construction supplies like pipes, nails and ball bearings.
· Require that marathons be run within established bomb-free zones.
· Change the ATF to the ATFF. The extra F is for Fertilizer.
· Allow the ATFF to regulate all farmers and gardening supply stores, and make personal composting illegal.
· Have Nancy finally read the Affordable Care Act and make sure it covers high quality prosthetics.
· Use profiling techniques to round up the Tea Party and have its members ground into mulch for trustworthy, never violent organic farmers.
· Blame the bombing on Bush and this Youtube video.
· Imprison the producer of that Youtube video.
· Bask in the security of the new, safer America.
Snaughty, you make me smile. :)