Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - "There is No Charge for Awesomeness. Or Attractiveness" : MOVIE?

[Note: When I do a quote in the title like that and ask, MOVIE?...the first one who can come up with the correct movie title in the comments wins cookies from me.  Good luck!  P.S. No googling. That's no fun :P]

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

The Best Advice Obama Gave During His Morehouse College Commencement Speech…

#5 Apostic : was, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”

#4 rodney dill : The bad news is robots can do your job now. The good news is we’re now hiring robot repair technicians. The worse news is we’re working on robot-fixing robots- and we do not anticipate any further good news.

#3 blarg :…I had no idea I was speaking here today….see what I did there?

#2 walruskkkch : …The best things in life may be free, but what isn’t the government can surely provide.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from archangel:

The Best Advice Obama Gave During His Morehouse College Commencement Speech………it may be a good idea to find an attractive wife. it’s very time-consuming to convince people she is when she really isn’t.

Cookies to archangel!

I can't wait for the Nuking Politics Straight Line Challenge between Keln and me. Maybe we should UP the stakes a bit? Bragging rights is fine...but...I think he should have to make me cookies or SOMETHING. :P  Suggestions?

Lots of great comments on the NP line this time. :)  The ones I liked best were:

Now that the IRS is pleading the Fifth, who else will? for what?

#3 MrsCampbell: Bill Clinton - retroactively.      [he's such a clever guy]

#2 can of spam: Every single taxpayer, next April 15.

My favorite response was from A Guy Named Rob:

Now that the IRS is pleading the Fifth, who else will? for what?
I cannot answer that questions on the grounds it may lead to self incrimination! I, therefore, plead the fifth.

Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies to A Guy Named Rob!
(what kind do YOU like, Rob?)


Here's a new line for you to try:

Now that the Pope is supporting atheists, Harvey...

[oh, and don't forget to guess on the movie quote from the title]