Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Lousy Stats

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

If President Obama Uses the NBA to Help Peddle Obamacare…

#5 FormerHostage:…it will pave the way for him to use the Screen Actors’ Guild to push his foreign policy.

#4 Oppo: … It’ll be as close as he ever gets to getting an MBA to support it.

#3 slapout : ... Peddle it? I thought “It’s the Law”.

#2 Dohtimes…Jack Nicholson will have front row seats for your next delivery.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from jw:

If President Obama Uses the NBA to Help Peddle Obamacare...
he will still be 2 for 22.

Cookies to jw!

Now that I'm soon to be Her Infinite Majesty Empress Kitten the FirstI can make whatever kinds of cookies I want. I need to make jw his oatmeal, butterscotch chip, and pecan 1/4 cup cookies. Those are HUGE!

No"Empress Kitten's Kiss Up Cookies" awarded today, I guess. :(

Today Springeraz mused about our First Lady's lack of dignified dressing in Yes Michelle, We Get The Message. I could give her a few pointers if she wants to meet me at Target... :)


You guys had some great lines today. My favorites for:

Jagger stung with, "I don't think President Obama is here tonight... But I'm sure he's listening in." The next zinger about Obama...

#3 mythilt.: ...Will be from the IRS to Mick, it's also called an 'Audit'.

#2 Harvey: .... "but seriously, folks, we should try to be more understanding with Obama, because he has a very difficult job, so I'm dedicating this next song to him..."

*launches into "Sympathy for the Devil"*

And my favorite line today was from Oppo::

Jagger stung with, "I don't think President Obama is here tonight... But I'm sure he's listening in." The next zinger about Obama..."(I Can't Get No) Fascist Faction"

Cookies to Oppo!

Do you have a favorite kind, Oppo?  :)


Here's a new line for you to try:

Why shouldn't you engage in debate with a crazy progressive?