Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - A Really Catchy Slogan

Harvey over at IMAO has a new straight line of the day up, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

President Obama will support Hillary in 2016 because…

#5 Dohtimes : …she doesn’t just look, sound and smell like an old witch

#4 a guy named Rob:…he doesn’t have enough time to completely destroy America, and she is the best choice to finish the job

#3 can of spam : … even HE doesn’t want Michelle to run.

#2 Dohtimes: …it seems that global warming or something has caused hell to freeze over.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from Bob B :

President Obama will support Hillary in 2016 because……because “Hope, Change – What Difference Does It Make” sounds like a winner.

Cookies to Bob B!
Obscure Movie Honorable Mention Cookies to walruskkkch for The Apartment reference. I love Jack Lemmon :)

I don't know what you're doing today, but here at Nuking Politics we're CELEBRATING Frank J.'s Birthday. If you haven't yet, you should send him a Princess Bride Birthday wish here, or a Nuke the Moon wish here or BOTH :)  Oh, and punch some hippies for Frank today!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOKIES TO FRANK J. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were a lot of great responses to my Nuke the Punchline this time! I love Dunkin Donuts. SOOO much. Some of my favorite ones were the coconut ones, the toasted coconut ones, anything chocolate....Wait. Got a little sidetracked there... :)

My favorite punchlines were:

Now that Dunkin Donuts is offering a doughnut and egg breakfast sandwich, Michael Bloomberg...

#5 Harvey: ..will meet his untimely demise after not dodging quickly enough to avoid being trampled to death by noted breakfast enthusiast Michael Moore.

#4 Bob B.: ...will ban all city employees, including cops, from frequenting DD, effectively driving them out of business.               [I would cry!!]

#3 jw: ...will no longer allow eggs to be sold in those high capacity "dozen egg carton/ magazine/ clip thingies"

#2 can of spam: ... will abort his attempts to ban them after being faced with a coup by the NYPD.

My favorite line was from Bob in Feenicks:

Now that Dunkin Donuts is offering a doughnut and egg breakfast sandwich, Michael Bloomberg ...is proposing a fine on cardiac arrests: The Heart At-tax!

Cookies to Bob in Feenicks! :)
For some reason I really want a doughnut now. Like BAD. :) I think someone should get some for Frank's birthday and share. Don't you agree?

Here's a new line for you to try: