Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Shhhhhhh! It's Classified!

Harvey over at IMAO has a new straight line of the day up, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

Caffeine Withdrawal Has Been Classified as a Mental Disorder. Next to Be So Classified…

#10 D***cat: tuna shortage anxiety.

#9 Rodney Dill: a penchant for Anonymiss's cookies.

#8 blarg: a desire for privacy.

#7 JeffersonFan: Posting posts about bacon withdrawal on conservative blogs while eating bacon.

#6 Dohtimes: guardedly speaking and politely exchanging ideas on the phone and the internet. Also included would be public discourse and private conversations. And thought crimes you crazy racist traitor.
#5 burt: Lust.

#4 Matt Musson: believing that the Government is NOT spying on you.

#3 frogmouth : reality.

#2 Dohtimes: dancing while white.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from walruskkkch :

Caffeine Withdrawal Has Been Classified as a Mental Disorder. Next to Be So Classified…is so classified that even the President don’t know what it’s going to be.

 Cookies to walruskkkch!

My awesome dwarf, Wordy, (also known as "Hunter") has begun to post again.  He wrote Where are the Snowdens of Yesteryear? which was WONDERFUL.  If you are new around here and are not familiar with Hunter's incredible posts you are in for a treat.  Go read it! That's an ORDER!! Cookies to Wordy!


Lots of great punchlines again. :)  My favorite ones on this line:

A study determined driving a car can be as stressful as skydiving. What is Obama's greatest stressor?

#3 Harvey: Uh... um... er... uh... teleprompter glare.

#2 Anonymous: Truth.

and my favorite line was from Bob in Feenicks again:

A study determined driving a car can be as stressful as skydiving. What is Obama's greatest stressor? Biden anywhere near a live microphone.

Cookies to Bob in Feenicks!

Here's a new line for you to try:

Now that there is a push for a joint Immigration/Gay Marriage bill, I guess congress is combining issues into single bills for efficiency's sake. What will be the next combination?


  1. A dessert topping/floor wax bill.


    1. Right after they approve the Decabet.


  2. A Cowboy poetry/Feminist ideology mash-up

  3. ...Free contraception for women/Pardon for Bill Clinton.

  4. Obamaphone and extended wiretapping/surveillance Program

  5. ...banning guns...and unregistered bleeding.
