Friday, July 26, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - CIA Weather Opporatives

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

The CIA Is Studying How to Control the Weather. Their First Project…

So many good lines today I decided to give out special awards :)

#5 Writer: … Blizzards in Hell. Too many late Democraps have complained about their current climate.

#4 RayFan87 : Restart the weather machine Bush used to make Katrina. 
[why oh why did they have to give THAT hurricane THAT name? :P ]

#3 Burt…is to set up surveillance and wire taps on Punxsutawney Phil.

#2 Jeff in South Dakota: ...How to make it rain 24/7 over at that building across the way; that will teach those snooty little creeps over at the NSA who the real spies are.

And my favorite straight lines of the day were from Oppo

[It was another one of those days where Oppo was just on a roll and I couldn't choose just one! ]

The CIA Is Studying How to Control the Weather. Their First Project…

… is based on an Al Goreithm, of course.
… is to recruit troopers from Homeland Security to control 
    the storms. But what to call them?
… is stealing the NSA’s thunder.
… a cold shower for Anthony Weiner.
… is to throw a Royal Baby shower.

On-a-Roll Sweet Rolls to Oppo!

I loved all of the musical references today, so I decided on a special award: :)

♫ Songbird Sugar Cookies to walruskkkch ♫
♫ jw, Apostic and Bob in Feenicks ♫
I love it when you sing to me :)


Thanks to jw for the bacon cookie recipes. I can't wait to try them out and send them to this lucky guy:

Keln the Great on My Throne

Yesterday was AWESOME because we were treated with posts from Les, Hun ter, Spring eraz, walkingdead, arik and Keln. So wonderful. Don't miss a single one!


My favorite NP punchlines:

Holder is requiring Texas to get "preapproval" to change its voting process. Also requiring preapproval...

#3 Apostic: ...who you get to vote for.

#2  can of spam: ... any actions to be taken in self-defense.

My favorite line was from Oppo:

Holder is requiring Texas to get "preapproval" to change its voting process. Also requiring preapproval... Johnny Depp's movie headgear. From now on.

Toffee Trifle to Oppo!


Here's a new line for you to try:

It's no longer a crime in France to make fun of the President. Also allowed...


  1. ...waiters smacking American tourists who order "You Guys Fries".

  2. ... bathing and other general hygiene.

  3. ... being polite to tourists.

  4. ... finishing any wars they happen to get involved in.

  5. ...waving your genitals in any politicians' general direction. the flying of the white flag. Oh, wait...

  6. ...sleeping during sex with the French president if you are too tired to make fun of him.

    ...affecting a German accent to get out of sex with the French president if you are too tired to decline it more than once. Nein, Herr Jerry Lewis.

  7. ...making fun of Michelle.

    ...pronouncing chowder as 'chowdah' instead of 'showdair'

  8. ... is making phone of the president, for those who didn't understand the court's accent.
