The CIA Is Studying How to Control the Weather. Their First Project…
#5 Writer: … Blizzards in Hell. Too many late Democraps have complained about their current climate.
#4 RayFan87 : Restart the weather machine Bush used to make Katrina.
[why oh why did they have to give THAT hurricane THAT name? :P ]
#4 RayFan87 : Restart the weather machine Bush used to make Katrina.
[why oh why did they have to give THAT hurricane THAT name? :P ]
#3 Burt: …is to set up surveillance and wire taps on Punxsutawney Phil.
#2 Jeff in South Dakota: ...How to make it rain 24/7 over at that building across the way; that will teach those snooty little creeps over at the NSA who the real spies are.
And my favorite straight lines of the day were from Oppo:
[It was another one of those days where Oppo was just on a roll and I couldn't choose just one! ]
[It was another one of those days where Oppo was just on a roll and I couldn't choose just one! ]
The CIA Is Studying How to Control the Weather. Their First Project…
… is based on an Al Goreithm, of course.
… is to recruit troopers from Homeland Security to control
the storms. But what to call them?
… is stealing the NSA’s thunder.
… a cold shower for Anthony Weiner.
… is to throw a Royal Baby shower.
… is based on an Al Goreithm, of course.
… is to recruit troopers from Homeland Security to control
the storms. But what to call them?
… is stealing the NSA’s thunder.
… a cold shower for Anthony Weiner.
… is to throw a Royal Baby shower.
I loved all of the musical references today, so I decided on a special award: :)
I love it when you sing to me :)
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♫ Songbird Sugar Cookies to walruskkkch ♫ ♫ jw, Apostic and Bob in Feenicks ♫ |
Thanks to jw for the bacon cookie recipes. I can't wait to try them out and send them to this lucky guy:
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Keln the Great on My Throne |
Yesterday was AWESOME because we were treated with posts from Les, Hun ter, Spring eraz, walkingdead, arik and Keln. So wonderful. Don't miss a single one!
Holder is requiring Texas to get "preapproval" to change its voting process. Also requiring preapproval...
Here's a new line for you to try:
My favorite NP punchlines:
#3 Apostic: ...who you get to vote for.
#2 can of spam: ... any actions to be taken in self-defense.
My favorite line was from Oppo:
Holder is requiring Texas to get "preapproval" to change its voting process. Also requiring preapproval... Johnny Depp's movie headgear. From now on.
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Toffee Trifle to Oppo! |
Here's a new line for you to try:
It's no longer a crime in France to make fun of the President. Also allowed...