Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Snow White Scary?

You guys seem to think that women are dangerous or something. I have no idea why. We're smaller than men. We're weaker. We're less aggressive. We're less hairy. But you're afraid of us? Huh.

So yeah. I was caught breaking the law:

Though he had me dead to rights, the nice officer didn't arrest me. He was much bigger and stronger than I am and I was a little worried when I saw him looking down at me intently.

He put his hand on my shoulder and told me not to worry... my dwarves weren't going to file charges. He said that he was very sorry for taking my time, and he thought my almond cookies were delicious. He told me not to worry my pretty little head about it and sent me on my way. :)

I was the scared one! We women aren't dangerous. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. 


  1. Women aren't dangerous. They are down right lethal...

  2. "We're smaller than men. We're weaker. We're less aggressive. We're less hairy."

    That just makes you far more Machiavellian.

  3. "The female of the species is more deadly than the male."

    -Rudyard Kipling, 1911
    The Female of the Species

  4. You guys are so silly!

    I'm completely harmless. :)

    1. Said the spider to the flies.

    2. ...but i was told there would be cookies
