Monday, September 30, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Be Afraid

Here are the winners of the straight line from the Friday before I left:

The Most Interesting Quote From Hillary Clinton’s First Interview Since Quitting As Secretary of State…

#5 Smilin' Jack: ... was “I came to Washington to make a name for myself as a diplomat, but all I got was a bunch of worthless State Department frequent flyer miles.”

#4 HokieGomer: …deleted by her security team.

#3 Burt: ...…that Ben Gauzy fellow was actually a hire by the previous administration for a low level post in Cincinnati. His only duty was to monitor youtube videos posted by the Tea Partiers.

#2 can of spam : … was, frighteningly enough, just “MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!”

And my favorite straight line of the day was from walruskkkch:

The Most Interesting Quote From Hillary Clinton’s First Interview Since Quitting As Secretary of State…“2008 you dissed me for some empty suit, either start buttering me up now or you get Biden in 2016. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.”

 Cookies to 

and today's best kisser uppers were walruskkkch and FormerHostage:

The Most Interesting Quote From Hillary Clinton’s First Interview Since Quitting As Secretary of State…

walruskkkch:..“Give the Walrus his cookies and no one gets hurts, capisce?"

FormerHostage:…was her response to the question: Snickerdoodles or tollhouse?

Kiss up cookies to 
 walruskkkch & FormerHostage!

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