Monday, September 30, 2013

Nuke the Punchline: I Do Not Like it Here or There, I DO NOT LIKE OBAMACARE

Hey Guys! I'm back! Well, sorta. We're gonna streamline this a bit...

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

Ted Cruz’s Obamacare Filibuster Included a Reading of “Green Eggs and Ham”. Obama’s Response…

#5 a guy named Rob:…was to make sure Dr Seuss was complying with the Obamacare mandates

#4 Jimmy (with an assist link from 4 of 7): …was “Spend, spend spend, spent. Spend, spend, spending, spent. Spend a little more.”

#3 Max: …”RACIST!”

#2 FormerHostage :.If you like your green eggs you can keep them.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from Matt Musson:

Ted Cruz’s Obamacare Filibuster Included a Reading of “Green Eggs and Ham”. Obama’s Response…

would you like to have healthcare with that?
Would you like that Democrat?

Then, wrap your grandma up in flannel
And, send her to the WHO death panel!  (Cooperation cookies to walruskkkch for the WHO addition)

And, remember it is not a goof.
When costs go shooting through the roof.

And for your surgical procedure,
We added one important feature.

To insure the knife of surgeon Smarty
Join the Democratic Party.

And, if your wife requires tamoxifen 
You’ll have to ask your Congressman.

 Cookies to Matt Musson!

and today's best kiss upper was walruskkkch:

Ted Cruz’s Obamacare Filibuster Included a Reading of “Green Eggs and Ham”. Obama’s Response…

walruskkkch:...Now mommy gives me cookies and milk and tucks me in. Nitey-nite!

Kiss up cookies to 
 walruskkkch !

1 comment:

  1. The McConnell amendment was a show vote that was designed to appease those Senate Republicans who outraged over the vote to save the Ex-Im Bank. The procedural move by Cruz and Lee to try to repeal Obamacare with 51 votes is unlikely to be successful.obamacare enrollment fort lauderdale
