Iran Is Reconsidering Its “Death to America” Slogan. Its New Slogan…
#4 Dohtimes:…We were kidding about the Great Satan stuff but then Miley Cyrus stuck that tongue out.
#3 CrabbyOldBat:...Death to everyone! If WE can’t eat bacon, NOBODY eats bacon!
#2 Clink: …Debt to America. Vote Democrat.
#2 Clink: …Debt to America. Vote Democrat.
And my favorite straight line of the day was from NoMoBama:
Iran Is Reconsidering Its “Death to America” Slogan. Its New Slogan…COEXPLODE.
#3 HokieGomer:...actually having to deliver the mail in the snow, rain, heat and gloom of night.
#2 rodney dill:...he lost his exemption to ObungleCare.
and my favorite line was from can of spam:
A mail carrier was caught throwing away Obamacare mail because he was "running late". His punishment...he had to register each of the intended addresses for Obamacare himself. Online.
Iran Is Reconsidering Its “Death to America” Slogan. Its New Slogan…COEXPLODE.
Cookies to NoMoBama! |
and today's best kiss uppers were rodney dill, walruskkkch, HokieGomer and James:
Iran Is Reconsidering Its “Death to America” Slogan. Its New Slogan…
walruskkkch:“Anonymiss Cookies, a decadent western indulgence even Allah would love.”
- Death to walnuts!
HokieGomer: …”All your cookie are belong to us!”
James: Cookies to Tehran
rodney dill: May America have walnuts in all its cookies. [so "a fate *worse* than death, then? ;) ]
- Turn over the cookies and no one gets hurt.
- Death to walnuts!
James: Cookies to Tehran
Kiss up cookies to rodney dill, walruskkkch, HokieGomer and James! |
My favorite lines from yesterday:
A mail carrier was caught throwing away Obamacare mail because he was "running late". His punishment...
#3 HokieGomer:...actually having to deliver the mail in the snow, rain, heat and gloom of night.
#2 rodney dill:...he lost his exemption to ObungleCare.
and my favorite line was from can of spam:
A mail carrier was caught throwing away Obamacare mail because he was "running late". His punishment...he had to register each of the intended addresses for Obamacare himself. Online.
Cookies to can of spam! |
Here's a new line for you to try:
For $99 a DNA company will tell you what will kill you. For $100...
...they will keep that information from your spouse.
ReplyDelete...they will put the antidote in a cookie. will tell you the day and hour when you will FINALLY succeed at signing up for Obamacare online.
ReplyDeleteWill keep the knowledge from Obamacare's death panels. will reveal that DNA stands for Don't Annoy Anonymiss.
ReplyDeleteSlow participation today - who knew so many Nukers were given to celebrating a misogynistic, xenophobic barbarian who ruined a pristine New World?
ReplyDelete...they will give a double-your-helix guarantee.
...they'll tell you what makes you stronger.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure my vote doesn't count, but this one seems like a clear winner to me.
Delete... they will sell you the antidote. The model works for computer anti-virus companies, so why not human ant-virus companies?