Sunday, October 13, 2013

Between Comedy And Tragedy...

Today, October 13th, thousands of this nation's military veterans are gathered in the Capitol Mall to protest the abusive actions of our intransigent, punitive President.  The government "shutdown" remains unresolved, and meanwhile the monstrosity that is Obamacare is collapsing due to the incompetence of this administration.  A lot of Americans are finally beginning to understand the severity of the mistake we have made.   This would all be funny if not for the manic persistence of the socialist left in this country.  There is a very thin line between comedy and tragedy.....  

 Very few people have managed to sign up for Obamacare since signups began October 1st.  Health care exchanges set up by administration officials, and the website, reported very little activity, most of it unsuccessful.  Apparently in the entire state of Arizona only four people signed up.  Purely by coincidence, all of them are lifelong democrats...

Here's two of them:  These two waited in line for two days at a help desk set up in the shelter where they live.   They didn't notice that they were the only two people in line.   They thought they were in line for free hair products, but by the time they realized their mistake, they had already signed up for O'care....

This guy showed up the next day...same deal

There was a fourth guy, but we didn't get a picture of him.  He fell down or something.

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