Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Penny for your Thoughts

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

DC is now the fastest growing region of “1 percenters” in the country. Also growing in DC…

#5 blarg: …IRS’s list of conservatives to audit

#4 Bob in Feenicks:…chair sizes in the Oval Office in anticipation of Chris Christie’s election in 2016.

#3 Karen.:… Scientists have yet to determine, but they have managed to rule out awareness.

#2 Dohtimes:…the number of dictionaries on the book burning pile.

And my favorite straight lines of the day were from Oppo:

DC is now the fastest growing region of “1 percenters” in the country. Also growing in DC… the desire to turn the rest of the country into “one centers.”

 Cookies to Oppo!

and today's best kiss uppers were  walruskkkch, Bob B., FormerHostage, E Pluribus Unum and James:

DC is now the fastest growing region of “1 percenters” in the country. Also growing in DC…

walruskkkch:…the knowledge that they will never possess Anonymiss cookies, EVAH! [not a crumb :)]

Bob B.: ...a hunger for goodness, satisfied only by Anonymiss cookies. [Awwwww :)]

FormerHostage: …the (cookies) number of (cookies) Anonymiss suck ups (cookies) who would stuff (cookies) a cookie (cookies) reference any(cookies)where in order to (cookies) get a mention….cookies. [hee hee hee]

E Pluribus Unum: ..the hue and cry for even more and better benefits on those gummint jobs. Most notably, no more store-bought cookies, but instead……yes, you guessed it….. Special Magical Chocolate Chip Cookies, Homemade and Kissed by Anonymiss Love…… [which of course she would never, ever provide for stinking gummint bureaucrats]!  [of COURSE not!]

James: ...Demand for chocolate chips. [I suggest stockpiling. This is the time of year to do it, too :P ]

Kiss up Cookies to walruskkkch,
Bob B., FormerHostage,
E Pluribus Unum and James!

My favorite line yesterday was from Steve H:

Monty Python is reuniting for their first show together in 30 years. My favorite [clean] Monty Python bit..."I'd like to start an argument". [If, however, you think the sketch *you* suggested was better, feel free to argue your point in the comments. Just be sure to use Monty Python language :) I'll choose another favorite tomorrow]

Kiss Up Cookies to Bob B. for finding a Monty Python cookie cutter! His original link didn't work, though. His explanation: But they assured me that link would work on day one with no problems!(What is this I and T thing they speak of?) I still stand by my statement that if you like your cookie, you can keep it.

Cookies to Steve H and 
Kiss Up Cookies to Bob B.!

Here's a new line for you to try:

George P. Bush, nephew and grandson to previous U.S. presidents, is running for office in Texas. Why do they name them all George?