Friday, December 13, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Pavlov's President

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

Why Did President Obama Shake Hands With Cuban Dictator Raul Castro?

Cookies to walruskkkch for the link!

#5 Marc:  He was saying hello to a Fellow Traveler

#4 Burt: Too bad there weren’t any microphones to pick up the audio.

#3 Bob B: Because, since Hugo Chavez has passed, Obama needs a new Latino in his Super Friends Rainbow Coalition.

#2 c64wood: He was actually trying to pull Raul over to join the “selfie

And my favorite straight line of the day was from can of spam:

Why Did President Obama Shake Hands With Cuban Dictator Raul Castro? Because he was hoping to get a treat, just like when Valerie trains him. (His best-learned commands are “bark”, “bow”, “shake hands”, and “roll over” [but only to terrorists and despots].) 

 Cookies to can of spam!

and today's best kiss uppers were walruskkkch and FormerHostage:

Why Did President Obama Shake Hands With Cuban Dictator Raul Castro?

walruskkkch: ...He was hoping Raul had some Anonymiss cookies for lunch and could get a contact high.
[Oh boy. :)]

FormerHostage: ...Obama was palming Raul a cookie.
[That must have been it! :)]

Kiss Up Cookies to 
walruskkkch & FormerHostage

My favorite lines yesterday were from:

The State Department just bought a million dollar sculpture by an Irish American. Other necessary expenditures... 

can of spam: Cookies. Duh.

Bob in Feenicks: $500,000 for food for Biden's pet rock.

and my favorite line from yesterday was from Burt:

The State Department just bought a million dollar sculpture by an Irish American. Other necessary expenditures... Portable Barricades to keep the rabble away from their rubble in the event of a 'shutdown'.
Cookies to Burt!
[By the way, thanks to Bob B and Steve H for volunteering to be guest judges. If anybody else would like a chance, let me know. I'll be getting in touch with you next week :) ]


Here's a new line for you to try:

Billionaire Holiday Maven Martha Stewart fired 100 employees two weeks before Christmas because...