Friday, June 27, 2014

Tactical Nuke: Friday, June 27th, 2014

• Drudge, it's bad enough you had Hilliary's mug front and center for a day, do you have to keep Pelosi's up there too? Some people do eat breakfast while checking your site you know...

• We just surpassed 500,000 pageviews a couple days ago and I missed it. That's half a million! If I had a nickel for each time, I'd have, erm...well a lot of nickels, that's what!

• Ugh, nope, Pelosi is still there. Seriously Drudge, why do you hate us?

• The crappy German newsish-paper BILD ran an article about the top 5 things we Americans do better than Germans. Of course, it was all stuff about us being fat and in debt. So I thought maybe I could do one for things Germans do better than Americans:

   1) Starting major wars.

   2) Losing major wars.

   3) Being racist.

   4) Hating.

   5) Freezing to death in Russia.

   I was going to say having horrible leaders...but it's too close to call now.

• When I watch soccer, I still say "touchdown!" when the US scores. Which isn't often, because it's stinking soccer. Still, I refuse to say "goal!" or some other unimaginative innane thing as that like some unwashed low class non-American would.

• When an American watches soccer, it's kind of like when a Roman emperor would visit the games every so often just to make an appearance and pretend he was "one of the people" or something.

• I did see an article or something somewheres the other day that said the most American place to watch soccer from is sitting in an eagle's nest. I don't think the eagle would agree. He'd probably make you turn on a real sport, like actual football. He'd probably make you go get the beer too for daring to bring soccer into his home.

• Carry on.