As a vocalist, I have never been a great fan of the dance. Not the least reason is that I have very little aptitude for it by reasons of no rhythm and no agility. There are other reasons: Ballet is a bunch of overly skinny girls running around on their tippytoes (I like my women like I like my chicken: a little bit of fat on the ends), and so much of modern dance seems like little more than writhing around on the floor in pain. And frankly, I don't see the enthusiasm for a kick line.
Though I did a little on stage (poorly) in my younger days, I now avoid dancing at nearly all costs. Though I WILL do a slow dance at the father-daughter dance, I avoid anything more, and I suspect my window of opportunity on ever taking a Zumba lesson has slammed shut more or less permanently.
That said, a good dance, well done can be a thing of beauty. I've never heard of these guys: the Nicholas Brothers, but this clip has me amazed: I can't imagine two people in such synch as to do the things these guys do. I'm not sure their feet are even touching the ground half the time. It truly is a thing of beauty.
I just wish we had a president who was as competent at his job as these guys are at theirs.
As a bonus: Here's the dance scene from the HIGHLY underrated spy spoof Top Secret. This scene is also a thing of beauty, but for far different reasons.