Saturday, August 23, 2014

Gird Your Loins!

The Battle Is ON!!!!

Here in northeast Ohio, the Obama War on Children Eating Anything Even Vaguely Appetizing is continuing apace, and I suspect that NP readers will fully appreciate what an atrocity the latest, um, well, atrocity is.

In the suburb of Elyria, which is close to Lorain and near Vermillion, not to far from Westlake and Bordering North Ridgeville, (also kind of close to Cleveland), the most dastardly attack yet has taken place.

Now, school kids, when they go to buy their school lunches, will not only be given nasty looking, unappetizing, pansifying, liberal approved wimp food, but they will noy be able to buy the dessert that has been an Elyria traditoin for over 40 years:

Pink Cookies.

That's right, the Obama Administration, through the wonderful works of Our Lady Empress' Michelle Obama (May The Blessings Of Her Lord And Master Be Upon Her), has declared


Don't take my word for it: the link is for the local ABC affiliate, hardly a bastion of current conservative thought.

We need to mobilize and fight back against these heinous people. Unfortunately, our kids are on the front line. Don't believe it? Just look on Twitter, search #thanksmichelleobama (that handy-dandy link will do it for you), and see what liberalism hath wrought upon school lunches.

It's time to fight back!

They may take our freedom.

They may take our health care.

But they can never have OUR COOKIES!!!