Monday, October 27, 2014

Nuke the Punchline - 600 Death Penalties

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, and it's straight line number 600! You should go leave your best punchline and congratulate Harvey for an amazing *600* fun lines. Go ahead and make his day! :)

600 Cookies to Harvey!
My favorites from the last one are :

Instead of an Appearance by Obama, What Would Most Democrats Prefer at Their Campaign Rallies?

Honorable Mention to Les for his punchline: ...Ultron. :)

#5 Da**Cat:  ...The Dread Pirate Roberts in a holocaust cloak.

#4 Doug: …The presence of Sarah Palin.

#3 Nucking Futs: ...Tuffy the Clown

#2 FormerHostage: ..A spokeswoman who combined the intelligence of Janeane Garofalo, the dulcet voice of Rosie O’Donnell and the haunting beauty of Barbra Streisand…what? Oh, I guess Hillary isn’t available.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from CrabbyOldBat: 

Instead of an Appearance by Obama, What Would Most Democrats Prefer at Their Campaign Rallies? 

You should watch this. Mondays can always use an extra smile.

 Cookies to CrabbyOldBat!

...and Kiss up Cookies to Burt, Jimmy, NuckingFuts and FormerHostage :): 

Instead of an Appearance by Obama, What Would Most Democrats Prefer at Their Campaign Rallies?

Burt: Catered Cookies from Anonymiss! [OBVIOUSLY better than Obama. No question. :P]
Jimmy: Miss Anony giving a political speech! [Let me be clear. Eat more cookies! :)]
NuckingFuts: Peanut Butter Cookies and a big glass of milk? Nobody’s grumpy with that! [Always yummy. Obama doesn't compare! :)]
FormerHostage: Store bought gingersnaps. [Though vile, better than the alternative. :)]

Kiss Up Cookies to Burt, Jimmy 
NuckingFuts and FormerHostage!

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