Friday, October 24, 2014

Nuke the Punchline - Persuasive Presentation

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, I believe. You should go check and make sure. My favorites from the last one are :

Hillary Clinton Raked in a Record $2.1 Million in One Fundraiser. How Did She Do It?

#5 Denise: ...Auctioned off the one scruple she had left.

#4 can of spam: … she invested a mere $1,000 in “donation futures” and just got lucky, you know?

#3 Bob in Feenicks: …they reminded the donors that Vince Foster ‘regretted’ not donating enough to Bill’s campaign and wanted to make sure they didn’t make the same ‘regrettable’ mistake.

#2 TGregg:  didn’t charge for admission but did charge to leave.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from Bob B: 

Hillary Clinton Raked in a Record $2.1 Million in One Fundraiser. How Did She Do It? She had a special table display – FBI and IRS files for each attendee, with a giant “Reset” button next to them, all for one price.

 Cookies to Bob B!

and Kiss up Cookies to NuckingFuts  :): 

Hillary Clinton Raked in a Record $2.1 Million in One Fundraiser. How Did She Do It?  Duh! Bake Sale!!! (Cookies, of course). [She must have told them the cookies were mine. She SOOO lied. :P ]

Kiss Up Cookies to NuckingFuts!