Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Nuke the Punchline - Better Study Hard!

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day. You should go check it out! My favorites from the last one are :

Obamacare Open Enrollment Started This Week. New Enrollees…

#5 Gumbeaux:.… probably think Doogie Howser is a real doctor, and Obama is a real president.

#4 Dohtimes: …will only be cost effective if they are in the late stages of Ebola infection or early stages of death.

#3 Bob B: …will become test subjects in the government’s minimal care study…

#2 Da**Cat:  …who fail to make required payments will have a lien put on their transplantable organs.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from Steve H: 

Obamacare Open Enrollment Started This Week. New Enrollees… must fail a simple IQ test.

Cookies to Steve H!

...and we can't forget Kiss up Cookies :) 

Obamacare Open Enrollment Started This Week. New Enrollees…

Steve H:… get an Anonymiss cookie (not – psych!!!) [Sneaky... :P]

rodney dill: …will be given walnut therapy. [Poor things. :) ]

Nucking Futs: … must disavow any knowledge of the tastiness of Anonymiss cookies, and immediately consume a FLOTUS lunch to prove loyalty. [Ugh! :)] 

Kiss Up Cookies to Steve H,
rodney dill and Nucking Futs!
The Musings of Anonymiss: 

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