Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nuke the Punchline - Check Your Privilege, Mr. President

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day. You should go check it out! My favorites from the last one are :

Add It to the List: Global Warming Is Now Being Cited As the Cause of…

All of these things! Cookies to mark
for the awesome link! 
I had such a HARD time narrowing it down!  Global warming seems to cause, well.....everything...
#10 Steve H: ...declining populations of liberals.
#9 James: ..More sunshine leading to glare from Joe Biden’s teeth. [So *that's* why!]

#8 currently: . . . The shocking rise of electric blanket electrocutions  [Hee hee]

#7 Karen: … All those attempts on Obama’s life by time travelers  :D
#6 Burt: …the proliferation of excuse making.

#5 walruskkkch:....George W. Bush’s birth. [The cycle of blame is complete] [I have closure :) ]

#4 Doug: ...Billions and billions of taxpayer dollars, being given to environmentalists to aid in defrauding the public and bankrupting the country. Well, that and the increase in the Rat population. And yoga pants. [This one made me laugh out loud :P]

#3 Bob in Feenicks: ...…electile dysfunction in democrats

#2 NO_MO_BAMA:  ...stupid American voters…oh wait, maybe it’s the other way around.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from Iowa Jim: 

Add It to the List: Global Warming Is Now Being Cited As the Cause of… white privilege, male privilege, heterosexual privilege, and executive privilege.

Cookies to Iowa Jim!

...and we can't forget Kiss up Cookies :) 

Add It to the List: Global Warming Is Now Being Cited As the Cause of…

Steve H:.… walnuts in cookies  [Doggone warming...:P]

FormerHostage: …stale cookies.
…shorter attention spans due to the…ah…effects of…uh…hmmm…link to cat videos? Oh! Now that’s funny. What’s this one? Oh! I LOVE that song. Who’s this guy? That was him? Invest in gold? Hmmmm. Oh, here we go, a recipe for walnut cookies that tastes good. Oh good, I missed that episode of Iron Chef….
 [You'd have to be VERY distracted to ever think ANY recipe could make cookies with walnuts taste good :) ]

Burt: …needing less baking soda in cookies. (more heat, better chemical reaction) You might turn the oven down a little, too. [So there's a positive side! :)] 

walruskkkch: the lack of availability of Anonymiss cookies. [I'll make more :)]

HokieGomer: …shorter bake times for cookies. I fail to see the downside here. [Global warming saves me time and energy! Kinda awesome! :P ]

James: ...Greatly increased yields of walnuts which never led to anything good. [Nothing good at ALL! :) ]

Kiss Up Cookies to Steve H,
FormerHostage, Burt, walruskkkch,
HokieGomer and James!
The Musings of Anonymiss: 

Something festive: (It's already snowy and VERY cold here in Wisconsin. 
If I don't start thinking about the joy of Christmas, I won't make it :)