Sunday, July 26, 2015


  • Thanks to bill Cosby and hulk hogan two of my major childhood role models are now pariahs... who's next, bill Paxton?

  • I'd really like to know what goes on in some peoples brains, not everyone's... just some people.

  • every time I hear about an atheist convention, I wonder how many of the attendees get the irony.

  • I think we're starting to put too many fallible people into infallible status.

  • I don't like the idea of slut shaming, not because I don't believe in sluts. But because I revere them they perform a very important service and it is integral to the American spirit, just as integral as apple pie baseball the bald eagle and entrepreneurs

  • Ok if Marco rubio uses a parody of ruby soho as his campaign song I'm gonna have to vote for him.

  • ok, I'm just gonna say it... I don't believe Kanye West is talented. he's the Nick Cage of music.

  • just once I'd like to use the sentence. "I drank too much at work today".

  • I'd like to start doing book reviews... but not on the words inside the book. like just review the cover art and the binding and smell of the ink and paper.

  • the fastest way to get me to look at something is title it "time travel".

  • So after much consideration I've decided to come out of the closet. I identify as a multi millionaire. I've been poor all my life but it just never felt right. I would see people like JR Euing on Dallas when I was a kid and I thought something was just off... like I should be that guy, and not the poor kid in Detroit who's parents have to share a car. so with the help of my therapist I'm going to start making the transition to a millionaire. I hope you can still accept me.

  • As much as I hate Chicago... that city has turned out some amazing punk bands over the years. its like finding a single standing building after being ravaged by war.

  • We should change the phrase "on the the right side of history" to "on the right side of public Opinion at the time".

  • In all honesty, I just did this so I could see if my log in credentials still work. Good thing Keln is so freakin lazy.